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Political Reform in Thailand – Is there Hope After all?

The demands for political reform in Thailand are interesting. They give some hope that real democracy can perhaps work. The National Reform Council panel on...

EU Approves Bank Bailouts

After a long debate in the EU, the ESM may now help ailing banks directly. The euro bailout fund could jump in but only viable large institutions if all other...

Here We Go Again – the Effective Repeal of Dodd-Frank As Xmas Gift to Bankers?

The high-flying banks are at it again. There has been lobbying going on to sneak a clause in the continuing resolution to fund the government over the holidays for...

Government v People – Historical Contest

  I just did an interview about the movie with Aljazeera for Europe and the Middle East. One question was am I not scared about the “government”...

Crude Oil Down Almost 5% Today

  Crude oil has collapsed under $65 to a new five-year low on predictions that oversupply would keep building until 2015. Indeed, We are preparing a special...

Big Bang 2015.75

  Numerous emails have been coming in about what is “Big Bang” that we originally forecast at the 1985 Conference. To put this in plain cyclical...

1906 San Fran Earthquake Impacted Outflow of Capital From Germany

The nice think about our clients is the global diversity. From Germany, a reader informs us about the claims for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake also send capital...

Risk Management


A Coming California Earthquake?

California’s Drought Ranks Worst in at Least 1,200 Years. The flooding that is taking place warns of something else. The major earthquakes correlate to these...

Deflation v Inflation – Comprehending What Will Come

QUESTION: Martin, While I clearly understand your reasoning for deflation in the US allied to a very strong dollar; does the opposite apply to those countries, like...