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The Euro Crisis to Spread to a World Crisis

The Greek financial crisis began precisely to the day on our model for the start of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. That was truly amazing since we protected that ideal...

Interstellar – the Illusion of Linear Time

  Interstellar the movie is a very deep-thought film on the subject of relativity and how it really impacts time. This is an interesting film based upon what...

Star Trek-like Invisible Force Field Shields the Earth

Illustration by Andy Kale, University of Alberta Scientists have discovered Star Trek-like invisible shield found thousands of miles above Earth. This barrier...

Precious Metals Update At Year End

We will be issuing an update to the short-term aspects of the Princeton International Precious Metals Report in January after we get the year-end closings to cover...

Oops – They Did It Again

  First Obama admits the USA Tortured people when the report went out of its way to deny that ever took place. Water-boarding is like surfing – come on,...

Why do Dropouts Do Better?

Elizabeth Holmes owns 50% of her company, Theranos and has become the youngest billionaire. Elizabeth Holmes left Stanford University at 19 with a plan to start...

The Coming Dollar Highs

QUESTION: Your reference (not for the first time) to new USD highs may be the most striking — and consequential — of all the insightful and...

Gold – The Pop

  We closed above the 1217 level suggesting we will press a bit higher. We now need a closing above 1220 to signal a rally is possible up to the 1255 to 1275...

Can Money Just be Devalued Creating Deflation as a Solution?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is it possible that governments devalue currencies to confiscate capital like taxes? It really does not seem likely that these people have...

Japan Downgraded By Moodys

Moody’s has cut Japan’s credit rating by one notch over rising doubts about its ability to reduce debt levels. Japan has the worst debt to GDP among the...