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Greek Police Abuse of Citizens as a Whole

  The more the economic conditions decline, the more abuse we see coming from those who work for the government in Greece. The Greek police send in battalions...


  I arrived in Amsterdam. It has begun. As I have stated, this film is not about my life, but about my battle against the market manipulators who have...

West v Russia – Who is to Blame? It Maybe Just Basic Psychology

COMMENT:  Hello Mr Armstrong, I do respect your analysis, experience and what you do yet there is something that doesn’t fit with the independency you claim....

Governments All Know What is Coming – They Want to Disarm the People

Now the security commission of the Swiss parliament decided (ok, just by 13:12 but they did) to go after all private arms owners to force them to register every...

Republicans Support NSA Seizing ALL Telephone Calls

  Republicans killed any hope of restraining the NSA. They too want to shake you down for taxes under the pretense of looking for terrorists which is why they...

The Dow – Starting a Cycle Inversion?

  The golden rule of trading is just this – What goes sideways when it should move up or down, moves in the opposite direction even stronger. Where we...

Russia Building up Troops Inside and on the Border of Ukraine

Since the Western Leaders snubbed Putin, NATO has seen on Tuesday a serious Russian military buildup both inside Ukraine and on the Russian side of the border....

Daily Monitoring of Global Capital Flows Coming On Line

  We will be launching the visual world map of global capital flows that we are tracking each day. Proprietary feeds are up and running so now you will be able...

The Movie – the Forecaster – It’s About the Manipulations That Have Plagued Society which will Shock the World

I am off to Amsterdam to attend the premier of the Forecaster. My detractors “assume” this is a movie about “me”. I have not even seen the...