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Electoral College Voting

Republican electors in Georgia and Pennsylvania have cast votes in the Electoral College for President Trump in an effort to overturn Joseph R. Biden. But that was...

Merry Covid XMas


Has Socrates Ever Been Wrong on a Political Forecast?

QUESTION: How long has Socrates been making political forecasts. Was it ever wrong? DK ANSWER: The only election I would say that Socrates was both correct and...

Is there a Way Out?

QUESTION: Martin, I live in Canada.  Our PM had our former finance minister take the fall for their blatant corruption, is blocking and tackling every move to...

The Next Revolution in the Making?

  This is a video sent from a Romanian reader. The treatment of the people by the police is far worse than what even sparked the French Revolution. They have...

Police in Australia Have Gone Nuts

Police in Melbourne have adopted ruthless tyranny. They have been caught on video attacking women because they do not have a mask while walking down a street....

They are Deliberately Trying to Bankrupt Businesses To Recreate A Marxist World

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Most provinces (including the touristic Balearic islands) have now mandated mask use even if you’re in the woods or park or in a totally...

Michigan’s Trojan Horse to Open the Door for Judges to Order People Be Implanted with Tracking Chips

I have a correction to make. Gretchen Esther Whitmer is a Democrat serving as the 49th governor of Michigan. When I first reported that a bill prohibiting employers...

Insider v Outsider

Larry Summers said to Yannis Varoufakis: “ ‘There are two kinds of politicians,’ he said: ‘insiders and outsiders. The outsiders prioritize their freedom to...