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So When Will We Know?

All year we have been warning that a Phase Transition is coming, but when could not be ascertained until after September 2014. At some point everything must flip....

Will 2015 Break Germany?

While the German municipalities are short €118 billion euros for infrastructure repairs, reorganization of the German state finances may force even higher taxes....

French Government on Brink of Collapse

French President François Hollande has brought his country to ruin and threatens to bring down Euroland with him. His insane budget plans have been admitted cannot...

Obama May Turn to Private Armies – Will this be the New Plague?

Barack Obama may turn to private soldiers to wage war against the Islamic state. He has no real support to place American troops on the ground. He may turn to the...

Brussels Shuts Down Catalonia Referendum

Artur Mas Prime Minister of Catalonia, cancelled the planned independence referendum in the northeastern Spain region. At a meeting with the Catalan party...

Hollande Proposes Creating a “Investment” Fund he can use to Balance the Budget – Not borrowing so no debt or pay-back required

France’s Francois Hollande has come up with a brilliant idea. He want to satisfy EU rules not by reforming France, but by creating of a new EU investment...

The Dow Oct 13, 2014

Yes the Daily Bearish is at 16319. It appears we have penetrated the low of August 6th which was 16313. This warns that the correction has unfolded. Resistance will...

Dow Today

  Support in the Dow today lies at 16,451. Weekly support begins at 16,170 and key support remains at 15,961. We really need a closing back ABOVE 17000 just to...

German Debt

  German debt has been the real play in Europe. The general view is the Euro will collapse and they will end up with Deutsche Marks. This does not appear to be...

Putin Withdraws Troops in Eastern Ukraine

Putin orders pullback of Russian troops in Eastern Ukraine. Quite frankly, if I were Putin I would withdraw, demand the sanctions be lifted or I will invade. That...