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Salmond Accuses Cameron of Fraud in Scottish Election

Reuters has reported that Alex Salmond has come out and accused the Prime Minister David Cameron of outright fraud. “I think the vow was something cooked up...

French Farmers Set Tax Office On Fire – Demise of Europe

French vegetable farmer have set a tax office and a building on fire destroying the government facility which was the symbol of the increasing administrative burden...

Roosevelt & World War II

  Four Freedoms Speech (YouTube) Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to move the United States to war with his famous Four Freedom’s speech to Congress in the...

Stalin’s Words of Wisdom

“People who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” Recount demands in Scotland on several movements have exceeded...

My Opinion?

My OPINION, I was very much in favor if Scottish Independence for it would have shaken up Europe and led to political reforms in Westminster. That is a good thing....

Scotland Votes Breakdown on Age

In terms of age, the 16-35 year-olds were divided, yet there was a pro union majority for the over 65 group counting on pensions. 16 and 17-year-olds voting 71%...

Vancouver Interview Live Today in Canada

  I will be doing a live interview in Vancouver today at 12:06 EST or at 9:06 PDT. You can listen in

2014 International Precious Metals Outlook – the Global View

  Yes the International Precious Metals Report everyone has been waiting for will be going out Monday-Wednesday next...

US Separatist Movements

  At the Berlin Conference we also stated that we would see the USA  split as well along political-economic and religious grounds. Reuters has now published...

Brussels Celebrates their Defeat of Scottish YES Vote – Britain Falling in Religious Civil War?

The Scottish Vote really cannot be believed and it appears more-likely-than-not to have been rigged with at least EU influence. In Brussels, they are celebrating...