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US Number & Unemployment

FOR THE RECORD – the 7% number for unemployment is the official number – it is by no means REAL. The real number is in the area of 12% now and will rise...

We could use the Queen’s Veto in USA

COMMENT: Since we only have a representative democracy, (unlike some) I find it very healthy that the sovereign is consulted on all major acts of parliament. What...

Can the Queen of England Veto Laws in UK?

The answer to questions coming in about the power of the Queen to nullify laws passed by Parliament is YES – she has that power. It has been used to veto war...

China Prepares for War with Japan

While the eyes of the world are on the Middle East and Ukraine, China’s rumblings against Japan are real. China is in fact under preparations for...

Crude Oil Collapses – Plot Against Russia or Economics?

The global demand for oil is declining as the United States moves toward self-sufficiency and is the only nation still in a positive economic trend. Everywhere else...

Polls Are Showing Pessimism at Record Highs

Polls even in the United States are showing that Americans have not only record high pessimism about the future, the majority now believes their children will have...

New Zealand – Update

Hi Martin Thanks for all your good work! You may be interested in what’s happening here in New Zealand. On Saturday there will be an election. One of the new...

Scotland – Real Close Call

The BBC is reporting that the top three British leaders have signed a pledge that if Scotland stays, they will grant more power to Scotland. The pledge, which...

Conversation Between Downs & Armstrong Sept 15th, 2014

  Here is a two-part conversation between Glen Downs on Capitol Hill and Martin Armstrong covering the political atmosphere in conjunction with the unfolding...

China + Russia v USA + Europe

China has aligned itself with Russia as often an ally in the international arena. China has made it known that it stands ready to use the right of...