A number of questions have been coming in about Scotland. Yes, it has the capacity to become the real Switzerland of Europe where capital would be attracted if they...
The Five Eyes Arrangement has been established between all the English Anglo-Saxon nations – the US, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Revelations...
A massive round structure of Greek origin from the Hellenist period is holding scholars in great suspense. National Geographic has reported the finding os possibly...
QUESTION: Marty, I remember you had forecast that we would go into another major drought in the West after 2000. I think that was in a special report on...
According to reliable sources, the primary reason I have been for backing off of war is because this is by no means going to be some TV CNN special where you watch...
QUESTION: Marty Somebody has just bet $1.3million on a ‘NO’ vote result in the upcoming Scottish Independence Referendum – was that you? J Seriously, is the...
Reuters has reported from documents just unsealed yesterday that the US government had threatened to fine Yahoo $250,000 per day if it refused to turn over all...