The reason police should NOT be armed is very clear. They ALWAYS shoot to kill and their victims end up dead with multiple shots. They never shoot just to disarm a...
Theresa Mary May PC MP (born October 1st, 1956) is a British Conservative politician, and the current UK Home Secretary. She was first elected to Parliament in...
Documents have been surfacing illustrating that the American, British and Canadian intelligence agencies are violating civil liberties and the right top privacy on...
The arrogant President Obama suggested in an interview published in the New York Times on Saturday that you need to be a lawyer to understand the U.S. Constitution....
When a fan ran out onto a soccer field, several policeman tackle him and start beating him with clubs. This conduct outraged the fans so much, people from the...
QUESTION: Marty; You have emphasized how you track world capital flows and conducted your research even in the flows of capital and disparity of interest rates...
The S&P500 elected a Daily Bullish Reversal last week and a rally unfolded thereafter. But we see this as posturing just yet. The volatility will begin with the...
Resistance to the Russian sanctions in the EU has been growing in some regions of the EU. Hungary now has spoken out against the hard-line of sanctions and Brussels...
The video of a drunk District Attorney stumbling and trying to scare the police by saying who she was to get out of it, was outrageous to say the least. What she...
The New York Times journalist James Risen is facing potentially life imprisonment unless he reveals all his sources. Risen has gone on record stating that the Obama...