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Gold the Numbers

The resistance on gold stands at the 1713.50 level. We need to see a closing above that on a daily basis to steady the market at this...

Obama’s Urgent Gun Controls?

In Switzerland, every house must have a gun. It is called national defense. If 3 people in the same day kill with a knife, do we outlaw knives? Everyone is in favor...

Bringing The Gold Home

Conspiracy theorists have been arguing that there is no gold in Fort Knox for years. Well, they have not been alone. Sister groups have existed in Germany, France,...

Aaron Swartz – A Voice of Freedom Silenced

To federal prosecutors, Aaron Swartz was a criminal they drove to suicide. His death has sent a tidal wave through the online community worldwide. The additional...

Why is Real Estate Cycle Not Working

QUESTION: I am one of your biggest fans and I love your articles and have learnt so much from them. I have been reading your articles on real estate. The peak was...

Real Estate Values DOUBLE in New Jersey!

The great disconnection between reality and the dream world in which government lives in has made the front page of the Philadelphia  Inquirer for Monday, January...

The Crisis in Cyprus

Cyprus is the 5th of 17 Eurozone countries to ask for a bailout. The entire structure of the Eurozone was a disaster. It is common knowledge that the commission...

Real Estate – Answering Your Questions

Real Estate is a difficult market to forecast because it is so localized. The primary trend that emerges which we observed through a couple of decades of monitoring...

Hyperinflation v Inflation

Well naturally I get critical responses that the way everything has to collapse is only through HYPERINFLATION. I would love to see just one empire that has ever...

Why Hyperinflation is Nonsense

    Societies are destroyed by EITHER hyperinflation or deflation. It is merely a question of how you get there. Unfortunately, the nonsense about...