We find the same situation in Greece that we saw in Scotland. The vote is divided by generation. The youth hate the Troika and want to leave Europe for they see no...
As you would expect ahead of July 4th weekend, volumes were a fraction of their norm – as if they were not poor enough! Asian equities were the early talk...
They interviewed the “YES” protesters (yes, stay in the euro) and the response was totally off the wall. A woman responds that she knows 95% of Greeks...
A slew of emails have been coming in asking if we would help Greece if they leave the euro. ABSOLUTELY YES! This week we have people in Athens meeting as I write,...
Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has come out to reveal the quite shocking and anti-democratic events that took place during the last Eurogroup...
The Greek proposals included higher taxes, welfare charges, and steps to curtail early retirement. This is simply more deflationary pressure that will crack Greece...
The European Central Bank (ECB) may buy government bonds of member states to rescue the euro, according to the European High Court. This is in direct contrast to...
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