QUESTION: Martin, I live in the Intermountain West. Our local real estate market has been in the toilet for years. One local broker has noted that her office...
Martin, The joke originated as follows: A reporter approaches a Russian, a North Korean, a Saudi, and a native New Yorker and asks, “Excuse me gentlemen, what...
A joke in Poland illustrating their distrust of government: A dog walker takes three dogs for a walk. The American dog tells the Russian and Polish dogs how great...
James Gordon Brown is a British politician who was the Prime Minister from June 2007 to May 2010 of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Gordon...
Hillary Clinton is already bought and paid for, She netted $400,000 for giving two speeches for a few minutes at Goldman Sachs. This is by no means a speaking fee....
The Bunds held the key support at the 150 level and bounced showing that the target for a temp low this past week appears to be on time. We still elected the Weekly...
Man in Sweden tries to rob a bank and is confronted by the fact that the bank has no cash. He had to leave without money. Boy! What is this world coming to when you...
David Cameron won a surprise victory for the Conservatives. This has now reaffirmed further uncertainty since Cameron promises, if he lives up to his word, a...
The problem with Europe is rather simple. It is run by lawyers who have no clue about how the economy functions. They believe they need only write a law an shazam...