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Bribing Bankers to Pay Tax – Bliss

COMMENT: I got it. Banks do not create money out of thin air it is lending multiples of the same money. I wish it was the thin air for as you say just bribe a...

Thin Air v Leverage

QUESTION: So your argument is that there is some base line for deposits and that is the difference between thin air and leverage. Correct? Joe ANSWER: Yes. Thin air...

It Wont Be The First Time They Hang Bankers

QUESTION: Marty, thank you for explaining the banking problem. It is leverage but they cannot create money without a basic deposit. The way these people spin this...

World Economic Conference 2015

  We will no longer accept reservations at this time for seating. Our maximum capacity is 500 in the USA and we have well exceeded that number in total....

Even Flowers Know When to Follow the Sun

  The reason for Optimism is knowing that something exists and that empowers us with the ability to change. We can learn from nature if we look at the divine...

Is There Something Behind the Power Outage in Washington DC?

The April 7th, 2015 power outage in Washington DC is curious to say the least. Virtually instantaneously, the government declare it was not a terrorist attack....

Fractional Banking Myth – & Giro Banking

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I have only just found you and started reading your articles this last month after your interview on … radio..   It is a pain in the...

Doreen’s Battle with IRS and Contempt of Court

  I neglected to put the link to Doreen Hendrickson’s fight with IRS and the Judge’s contempt...

2015 World Economic Conference Nov 7/8 Princeton, NJ

We will be holding the Fall World Economic Conference in the States in Princeton, New Jersey the weekend of November 7th and 8th. We are in the process to trying to...

Bank Portfolios Reflect Bubble for 2015.75

For the first time since 2008, banks are rushing into government Treasuries (PUBLIC) holdings faster than corporate/consumer loans (PRIVATE). Bank portfolio...