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The Major Fractal Wave of the Economic Confidence Model & 2032.95

  To all the questions about high up the fractal structure can be defined, here is the Economic Confidence Model at the very high end. We are in the grand...

The 6th Wave

  QUESTION: Marty, I remember you displaying a chart on the fall of Rome and the ECM. Do you have that one to show again? KW    ANSWER: Here is that...

New York Showing of the FORECASTER

COMMENT: Marty I saw the film today, Congratulations ! Spectacular ! I only wish that it would play nation wide and be seen by millions of Americans who know things...

The Rise & Fall of Empires, Nations, & City States

QUESTION: Marty, I remember you giving a seminar back in the early nineties and you showed a chart of the rise and fall of civilizations with the energy output of...

My Apology

  My apology. Orthodox Easter this year is April 12th – May 1st is next year. My Bad. I am always terrible with dates – I had to be reminded this...

Drone Police & Armies are not so Futuristic

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, Your futuristic vision of Robot Armies and Robot Police under the control of corrupt politicians is positively nightmarish—not so much...

Orthodox Christianity

A number of people have asked why I posted a greeting to “Orthodox” churches. The Greek Orthodox was based out of Constantinople. They did not follow...

Economic Evolution & the Sixth Wave

QUESTIONS: (1) Mr. Armstrong; I have read theories that this wave of economic evolution you displayed as the sixth wave at the Solution Conference  is the...

Highest Impertinence of Kings & Ministers

QUESTION: HI, Martin; I am reading your articles. I read you consider that the swiss proposal is  “a  stupid idea”. Ok with that. But if governments...