MSNBC’s Ed Schultz who never saw a Democratic he did not like or a Republican who should not be executed, amazingly admitted in trying to defend Hillary that...
QUESTION: Hi Martin, Saw ‘The Forecaster’ in London, only sorry it was not showing for longer as many friends would have liked the opportunity to see...
The film the FORECASTER look like they want to play it Washington, DC at the Angeliak Pop-Up Cinema in Union Market. The film may appear for a week starting 4/10....
The police are just now robbing people in the USA, Britain, and France. The mere possession of cash if now grounds to seize whatever you have and you will...
COMMENT: Hi Martin, I think the London Evening Standard story is clearly an April Fools joke. The story would not make sense unless the editor felt the readers...
If I said I was going to punch you in the face, would you just wait for that to happen or would you move and perhaps defend yourself? It is not Doom &...
You know sometimes you just have to wonder what is going on and are there really stupid mistakes or is there something else going on here since this is timed...
It will take 4 to 6 weeks, but we will produce the full version for those who attended and a 90 minute condensed version that will be available soon on...
Senator Rand Paul this month introduced a bill to repeal FATCA. This Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act is by far the single worst act in history and it is...