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How Are the Coupons Redeemed in a Debt-Equity Swap

QUESTION: sure enjoyed your conference via livestream and thank you for your blog site as it is very informative. I understand the swap of federal debt for equity...

OTC Derivatives

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Enjoyed the Solutions conference and am looking forward to the October conference.  There was no mention of the over the counter derivatives...

From Greece

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Your solution is unbelievable. Greece’s debt is selling at a huge discount from face just like Mexico in 1986. If we follow your...

Breakdown of Debt

QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong, I have been eagerly awaiting your Solution and am trying to wrap my head around it. Can you explain more about the debt to equity swaps?...

What Level of Debt

QUESTION: Martin Do you mean only on a federal level? Would people’s home mortgage be wiped away? I would think not but if it’s a true reset who knows...

Why We Need the Crash & Burn

Comments are now coming in from those in central banks and governments, which ones I will not mention. They can see the proposition, but ask how can we actually...

Polls show Americans Do Not See Putin as Much More of a Threat Than Obama

  New Poll in USA shows the American people see Putin as only slightly more imminent threat than Obama himself. This is what I have been saying. There is NO...

We cannot Escape the Past Until We See The Future

COMMENT: I watched the Solution Conference and your explanation of two monetary systems being barter and representative was insightful. I can see why the goldbugs...

The Right to Even Trade

COMMENT: Marty, I watched the Solution Conference with my son who is 18. While I at first thought it was a restatement of what you have been saying in different...

Thinking Outside the Box – Yes there is a Whole Lot More Than Meets the Eye

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I just wanted to say your proposal is brilliant. I fear most people will not grasp what you put forth because they are confined in their...