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Medici & Controlling the Banking System

    The Medici were a powerful and influential Florentine family from the 13th to 17th century. There were four popes who were related to the Medici...

The NY Boys are the Modern Medici

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; Thank you for clearing up that persistent rumor that the Rothschilds are the culprit. That is sort of believing that the Medici are still...

Greece Turns up Heat Back on Germany

The old saying people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones seems to apply in Europe. Greece is moving toward the seizure of all German owned property to...

Spain Look to Overthrow Austerity

The Spanish Podemos party believes it will end up with an absolute majority. Here too, the people are fed-up with austerity being shoved down their throat by...

The FORECASTER to be Shown in Belgium

  The film will play at Docville Festival in Belguim May 1 – 7. Those interested in schedules should register at the film producer’s website for...

Switzerland Joins NSA in Monitoring its Citizens

The Swiss have now introduced the Enlightenment Intelligence Agencies Act which expands the powers of government to secretly track citizens, tap phones, and to do...

German and Spanish Key Banks Fail US Stress Tests

Santander and Deutsche Bank have failed a US “stress test” designed to assess whether lenders can withstand another financial crisis and can continue to...

Gold – The Downside

  The Gold “POP” our computer pinpointed was right on schedule. We even managed to get the day of the high. Now gold has fallen to 1146 intraday...

The Euro for the Close & Dollar Rally Against Swiss

  We have a shot that today may provide a temporary low for the Euro. We do have a Daily Bearish Reversal at 10546. So far the Euro has fallen to 10510. As you...

Gold & a Rally for $40,000 By Year-End? Come on!

COMMENT: Marty, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your work. I lost more than half of my savings following the goldbugs. I saw the light and sold on this...