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Understanding the Double Reversals

  The DOUBLE WEEKLY BEARISH REVERSALS we had at 286.10 on the S&P 500 futures back then were generated from the same HIGH. This is different from two...

Capital Flow & Domestic v International Perspectives

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I listened to the interview you did with Financial Sense and you said something that struck me as odd. I think you said that the devaluation...

Symmetry Ukraine and Vladimir regarding Russia

We are reminded from a Russian reader regarding symmetry that the founder of Russia was Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great (c. 958 – 15 July 1015) and hence today...

Greece Wants to Use Tourists as Tax Spies – Just Amazing

The Greek government wants to use students, domestic workers and even tourists as spies, to report on the tax affairs of Greeks. The spies should be covered with...

Leader of Largest Party in France Wants to Exit the Euro

The boss of the French National Front, Marine Le Pen, wants France’s withdrawal from the euro in the case of an election victory. She says that France would...

Italy Breaks with USA & Turns to Russia

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has invited during his visit to Moscow President Vladimir Putin to Milan. Putin was delighted and Italy has offered a...

Two Ukrainian Banks Fail since March 1st

Two Ukrainian banks in the Delta Bank Group have been declared by the central bank in Kiev insolvent. Previously, the Delta Bank was declared bankrupt. Germany...

French Police Shaking Down Tourists for Spare Change

The French Finance police are now shaking down tourists and people just passing through France on trains or planes. A personal friend has reported when traveling...

Italy Trying to Seize all Ancient Coins found in Europe Desperate for Money

The U.S. State Department and U.S. Customs have already drastically limited our ability to import Greek, Punic, Etruscan, and early Republican coins struck in Italy...

Civil War Brewing Inside Republican Party

I have been warning that our computer has been projecting a rise in Third Party Activity for 2016. There couldn’t possibly be a worse character at the head of...