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Donetsk Major Explosion – Tactical Nuke or Just a Big Bomb?

There is a video showing a major tactical blast in Donetsk on February 8th, 2015. Some are calling this a tactical nuke with a serious shock-wave. Thank God our...

The HSBC Scandal – How NYC Protects the Bankers

One of the most interesting aspects of my case was the astonishing claim by Republic/HSBC that $1 billion was missing and they had no possible idea of where it...

Details of the 2015 World Economic Conference

 Total Cost $2500 per seat This year’s conference will be really the culmination of years of work. We have been able over the years to see what is coming....

Europe will Move Closer to Russia & Greece will Exit Euro

Despite the hard-line insanity of US foreign policy that seems to be hell-bent on creating World War III keeping in line that it has historically been the Democrats...

2015 World Economic Conference October Princeton New Jersey

  Reservations will be on a First Come First Served Basis. Given the importance of what we face, this will be a serious session for those who are not the...

Solutions Conference – March 28th at Princeton, NJ

The Solution’s Conference is being moved up and made available for everyone via a live stream on the web. Because we can all “feel” 2015.75 coming...

Global Warming Crowd Forgot About Underwater Volcanoes – Oops!

The Global Warming crowd who blame the 1 to 3 degree increase in sea temperature on man, have been overlooking not merely climate cycles, but the entire role in...

Debt Crisis – Is Forgiveness Possible?

QUESTION: Dear Armstrong, I read your writing for several years and I thank you for this new light that you have put in my brain! Simple question,...

Glen Downs & Martin Armstrong Talk from Capitol Hill – Politics & Economics

This is a discussion focusing on the prospects of the rise of a Third Party for 2016 and what to expect overall as we approach 2015.75 – Big...

Nothing New in Monetary History

QUESTION: Marty, I gather from your writings that the Romans had corporations, stocks, bonds, futures, insurance, and financial panics. The chart you have showing...