The head of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, has warned politicians against turning back financial market regulation, yet she herself does not comprehend what the...
The clouds have not lifted from the heart of the financial center within the European Union on the continent. The origin of the next crisis is unseen yet in plain...
QUESTION: On Aug. 2 in your blog that you stonily recommend that everyone keep 30 days worth of cash was that just for the Eu? Thank You S ANSWER: No. Even FDR...
QUESTION: Hi Marty A quick question for you – given the moves afoot inside the EU are blocking bank accounts even of those with less than €100,000 , which...
Many financial firms in London claim to be looking to move to Frankfurt or Paris with BREXIT. They are going to have a very rude awakening. The proposition...
The key to the future is understanding (1) the past and (2) how everything functions. Sure there is a risk of a Dark Age after 2032. Hopefully, we can learn from...
The German Secretary General of the Economic Council of the CDU, Wolfgang Steiger, has highlighted the growing economic crisis in Europe. The negative interest...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Reading between the lines, it seems that you support bank bailouts at taxpayer expense. Is this not counter to free market philosophy? KE...