The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned at the G20 summit in Hangzhou, China, that in the face of crises, the refusal to reform how things are functioning...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, What comes first? The banking Crisis or the Sovereign Debt Crisis? Thank you for bringing our attention to these events OD ANSWER: The...
QUESTION: Sir, You mentioned in your blog post that money market funds now have to be in government bonds as per SEC ruling. You have said we are going through a...
More than 75,000 people have signed their names to a petition protesting against the appointment of former European Union leader José Manuel Barroso to the...
We are monitoring confidence in the banking system as reflected by cash withdrawals. The sale of home safes has exploded in many countries. I previously reported...
Central bankers these days are seriously trapped. They cannot now reverse their policies for that means they have to admit that they have failed. This is why the...
Is a the European bank rally sustainable? European banks continue to rally marginally following the release of the European Bank Authority stress test. However,...
This week, a German cooperative savings bank in the Bavarian village of Gmund am Tegernsee with less than 10,000 in population, announced it will begin charging...
The European banking crisis is spreading rapidly. There are now concerns in Italy and in Portugal as well. The ECB cannot even understand why people would not want...