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Banking Crisis

The 3 Players Beside the Central Bankers

COMMENT: Hi AE….of all the 100’s of your posts that I’ve read, over the past, this is the most confusing. You seem to be absolving the...

Bank Stocks Taking a Nose Dive?

  The London Financial Times reported that HSBC is considering divesting US retail banking. “Executives want to submit appropriate plans to the board in...

BigTech Replacing Banks

COMMENT: Marty; I am amazed. Your information is light-years ahead of the curve as well as Socrates. You said BigTech was censoring us because, under the Great...

Will Big Tech Replace all the Banks?

COMMENT: Marty, It’s now so obvious…but no one has more to gain with the lockdown(and more to lose with its lifting) than Big Tech. The lockdown...

PRIVATE BLOG – European Banks Under Stress & Markets

PRIVATE BLOG – European Banks Under Stress & Markets Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

ECB v Fed

QUESTION: Martin, You mentioned in a recent blog post that the ECB, unlike the FED, can go bankrupt. Can you explain further? Not sure where you get the time,...

FDIC Asking People Not to Panic for Cash

  Obviously, they would not do this if there was not also a panic for...

Understanding the European Banking Crisis

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Awhile back you mentioned the ECB doesn’t have unilateral authority to expand the money supply, and that the political crisis in Europe...

The Coronavirus Panic & the Dollar Panic

  Following Mondays near 3k point drop in the DOW, today’s attention is brought back to the Repo market and the demand for US Dollars is off the charts!...

European Banking Crisis

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have warned that the European bank stocks were in real trouble. They have really collapsed. But you do not comment on them that often....