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Central Banks

Bank of England & Real World

Without real-world experience, today’s move by the Bank of England would have cost you serious money. Yes, finally after more than a decade the BOE finally...

Choosing the Fed Chairman

Many expect Mr. Jerome H. Powell to be President Trump pick for Fed Chairman. Trump is resisting pressure by conservatives to make a larger change at the Fed. Many...

ECB v the Federal Reserve – Different Animals Altogether

QUESTION: Do you really think Trump would let the Central Banks Default? He said we would write off PoteRicos debt maybe he plans to write everything off can he do...

Central Banks at Risk of Default?

Central banks do not play games with the markets but it sure feels like we are being played by someone! Earlier this year the Bank of Japan, Federal Reserve and...

Will the Fed Keep Excess Reserves?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I recently asked an Economist for a major Financial Institute the following question. Will the Fed continue to pay interest on “excess...

Central Banks Investing in Equities

QUESTION: There is a new trend that central banks are investing in the stock markets Is this true? What is the impact of this move? ANSWER: Yes. The reason has been...

ECB – Draghi & Tapering

The European Central Bank (ECB) is expected to begin reducing its bond purchases gradually tampering its stimulation program of Quantitative Easing (QE)....

Yellen Reveals She Also Does Not Understand What it all Crashed in 2007-2010

The head of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, has warned politicians against turning back financial market regulation, yet she herself does not comprehend what the...

The Legal Challenge to Quantitative Easing

It has taken almost 10 years for the ECB’s controversial government bond purchases to finally reach the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to be reviewed as to...

ECB In Serious Trouble

The European Central Bank (ECB) left its stimulus programs and record low interest rates unchanged. Pundits were seeing some cyclical signs of what they hoped was a...