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Civil Unrest

STAND DOWN – Let it Happen

  I have often explained that when I was in “civil contempt,” they tried to break me and prevent me from talking to my lawyers. They threw me into...

Congress Must Investigate INDEPENDENTLY – Nothing Adds Up

There are many now calling for a serious investigation of the Secret Service. Nevertheless, we are entitled to answers NOW and no more JFK-style investigation BS...

Secret Service Complete Failure?

QUESTION: Marty: You have been warning that Trump might be assassinated because these people are unwilling to yield power. Your gut feeling is far better than...

Destroying America Because the the other side wins

What I can say for sure is that there are groups of people who would rather see the USA being destroyed than allow it to be led by people from “the other side.”...

Democrat Staffer posts on Facebook – “DON’T MISS NEXT TIME”

  A staff member of the Democrat, Bennie Thompson, who wanted to remove Secret Service protection from Trump, posted on Facebook, “Don’t miss next...

Trump Beware – This Maybe only the First

The country is so polarized by this demonization of Trump that, beginning with Hillary calling half the country “deplorables,” what has set in motion is...

Cycle of Presidential Assassinations & Attempts

This photo will live in American History. The former President flinched onstage when he was shot, grabbed at his face, and dropped to the ground. Moments later,...

Trump’s Attempted Assassin is Dead

The attempted assassin targeting Trump was shot and killed by the Secret Service. The suspected gunman is dead, and two other spectators were critically injured,...

Attempted Assassination of Trump 7-13-24

  The computer has targeted this week for the start of civil unrest and international discord as it rises, perhaps into February 2025. I did not expect it to...

The French LEFT Erupts in Violence over Le Pen

The French LEFT is rioting over LePen’s victory in the first round. This is what we should expect in the United States, for regardless of who wins the...