The riots in Portland have only inspired a new separation movement. The suburbs in Oregon are moving to separate and join Idaho after nearly two months of daily...
QUESTION: You’ve written about the collapse of communism in Europe 30 years ago and the looming collapse of socialism in the west. In Russia and Eastern...
In the “FDR and the Holocaust: A Breach of Faith” by Rafael Medoff, he wrote of FDR in 1923 when he was a member of the Harvard Board of Directors, that FDR...
I have previously explained that I was advising some people in Ukraine on how to turn their revolution into a success. I had explained that the turning point...
Politicians are about to be confronted with the harsh reality of their insane lockdowns in Europe. Germany now realizes there is building massive civil unrest and...
In the Hague protests, here is a video showing that the police are pretending to be protesters and aggravating the protest to increase its violence. This...
Riots are erupting all over Europe. In Stuttgart, a total of 400 to 500 people participated in the riots since Sunday night with 19 police officers injured. The...
What is really amazing is that Bill Gates’ father has long been an alleged racist with Planned Parenthood targeting minorities. Eugenics has also been about...
In the French city of Dijon, Chechens and North Africans are fighting with assault rifles and weapons of war. The question of how the Chechen refugees get their...
The rising civil unrest is starting to take notice of Bill Gates and his consortium hell-bent on changing the world economy. They have used the coronavirus as a...