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Civil Unrest

The Collapse of Society – Are the Doom & Gloomers Even on the Right Page?

QUESTION: Hey Marty, Thanks for the incredible information you are sharing. I subscribe to your service and read your blog every day. Do preppers have any...

Iranian Protest & Revolutionary Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Many look to you from Iran. Can you please advise as to your cyclical work of Iranian revolutions if you have calculated that out. Thank...

The Syrian War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I greatly appreciate everything you do. I was moved when you ended your WEC in Orlando explaining that you see this as we are all in this...

Spain To Send in Troops To Stop Voting for Independence

Spain has continued to show the world that fascism is alive and well. Madrid is sending in the troops to shut down the planned Independence Day vote in Catalonia....

3D printing, AI and Robots v Dark Age

  QUESTION: Hello, Mr. Armstrong. Let us say that the future turns out OK-ish (post crash and burn), that we avoid another dark age. 3D printing, AI and robots...

Trump is He His Own Worst Enemy?

QUESTION: You seem to have given up hope on Trump getting his agenda through Congress. Do you agree that the Trump presidency is a failure? BV ANSWER: There is no...

The Rising Trend of Civil Unrest

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said that this civil unrest will continue to escalate and that the left is attempting to just suspend government until 2020. It...

The Violent Left Toppling Monument to Christopher Columbus as a Racist? The extreme violent left is expanding their desire to overthrow essentially everything and are now attacking a monument...

Trump Forced to Dissolve Advisory Committees As Left Targets Businesses

The protesters in New York have succeeded in threatening any business that works with Trump. They targeted JP Morgan and Blackstone demanding they resign. This has...

CNN Calls Anyone Who Disagrees With Them a Fascist

Jennifer Lawrence, who came out in 2015 and said that if Trump became President it would be the “end of the world” has finally come out and said...