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Civil Unrest

The French Know How to Protest

French farmers throw manure on government buildings to protest high taxes in agricultural sector. This is an effective protest. —...

London Riots

  Hundreds of teenagers formed a mob and descended upon Regent Street in London after police issued a riot dispersal order at Oxford Street, as they were...

JUST US – The Rising Tide of Civil Unrest

I have said that the reason they indicted Trump’s valet as a co-defendant in the Mar-a-Lago, was to pull the standard “extortion” where he is to...

Will They Shut Down Gold & Cryptocurrencies with CBDC?

  There is no question that the real problem here is that the financial system is collapsing. These morons have been borrowing since World War II with ZERO...

The Rising Civil Unrest Thanks to WOKE

Indeed, Go Woke = Go Broke. Bezos is going to lose $100 million with the Washington Post, which has also lost its mind trying to move so left, they are losing...

The French Riots

  QUESTION: Martin, You said to watch France and an early warning indicator. Might Europe be on the precipice? My family, friends, and I thank you for...

The Cloward-Piven Strategy

COMMENT: Your reporting on the Red Cross and other organizations that facilitate the mass importation of illegals into America is well done. But its purpose is...

Why the United States Will Fall

  This is why the United States is dead. It can no longer stand united and, like Ukraine, we too will simply have to split. There should be a property swap...

The Cycle of Rebellions

Spartacus Rebellion 73-71 BC QUESTION: Marty, nobody has done such intense research geopolitically than you. This theory of a one-world government seems absurd with...