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Civil Unrest

The Rise in Violence – Who to Blame?

While the Texas school shooting is a politician’s dream, for they suddenly can pretend to care and look authoritative, the real culprit here, I fear, has been...

Food Riots & Civil Unrest

QUESTION: Thank you for sharing your views. I am in Iraq. I flew to Athens to see you speak there a couple of years ago. I understand you try to provide your best...

Ukraine & the Separatist Movement

The American press tends to suggest that it is all about Putin and his troops on the border. There is also a separatist movement in Ukraine where the ethnic Russian...

Canada Police Prove they Are Like Nazis – Just Following Orders

The Canadian police have shown the entire world that they are no different from the Nazis of Germany whose excuse was the same – just following orders. It is...

Why the Jan 6 Event Must be Labelled an Insurrection – Only that Will Bar Trump from 2024

COMMENT: Marty, you are right. Republican politicians have hated Trump and look to stab him in the back every chance they get. They do not like outsiders as you...

2032 & Knowing Your Enemy

Our computer has projected this tumulous period where governments fall and the last 13 years would be dominated by political chaos. All of this is very stressful...

The Sheep Awaken – Thank You Truckers

  The FAKE MEDIA has been supporting Trudeau which is really supporting the take over of Canad by his mentor, Klaus Schwab, and his World Economic Forum. Some...

Neil Young Fans Trying to force Spotify to remove ALL Conservative Commentary

I think it is time for a class-action lawsuit against Neil Young and his near-dead washed-up singer. He has intimidated Spotify to shut down conservative speech on...

DeSantis To Investigate GoFundMe for Fraud

Now GoFundMe has also turned against the people refusing to release the money to the Trucker Protests. Others have tried to donate in Australia and the USA and...

Canadian Truckers Being Attacked by Government

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, It is interesting how fast the Canadian government and police forces flipped from acknowledging the calm and peaceful Trucker Rally to...