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What Did Mothers do Before Baby Formula?

COMMENT: Hi Martin! Thank you for all you do. I was discussing the baby formula shortage with my 94-year-old Italian grandmother, and it opened my eyes to how...

White Privilege for Sale

Reminder: they want to separate us based on race when we are all in this...

End All Holiday Names – School Rules

Well, here we go. This entire “woke” movement is made up of a bunch of hypocrites. They are demanding that Columbus statutes and Columbus Day be changed...

Is a Total Lockdown Coming to the USA?

  After a year of lockdowns and the destruction of jobs on a wholesale basis, Bill Gates wrote that we have not done enough. CO2 did not decline to demonstrate...

Breaking the Bonds of Civilization

COMMENT: A real story in reference to masks and psychological damage. My wife and I moved to a small town 140 miles west of Richmond, VA one year ago. Your real...