In the April 28, 1975 edition of Newsweek, they actually proposed solutions for climate change that included outlawing internal combustion engines. The interesting...
Prince Charles, who also has no qualifications with climate change, has come out and proposes a military-style response reminiscent of the U.S. Marshall Plan...
I have spent decades in Asia, and people who were sick wore masks as a matter of courtesy. Masks were not worn by people to prevent getting sick because they...
COMMENT: Hi Martin, I wanted to comment about the blog posting ‘Fauci Belongs in Prison’. Having three children on remote learning by choice because we...
As part of this Climate Week in New York, intended to influence the US elections against Trump, they have created a clock to countdown the time remaining before we...
Klaus Schwab needs to answer why the World Economic Forum sold all its stocks and bonds ahead of everyone else. Schwab has exploited this virus within weeks,...
It should come as no surprise that the United Nations is seeking to expand its power to a worldwide government as numerous countries turn to the UN to impose this...
There has been a lot of turmoil about just how many people have died from COVID. The problem stems from the fact that they have other diseases and perhaps COVID has...