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Food Prices Due to the Little Ice Age

  QUESTION: What do you think about Professor Valentina Zharkhova, of Northumbria University’s department of mathematics, physics and electrical engineering,...

Chaotic Weather

QUESTION: Marty; the weather is becoming as chaotic as the markets. We have one day heat in Antarctica and then snow in Saudi Arabia and Baghdad. Is this part of...

Wheat & Climate Change

COMMENT: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you very much for all you do for us little people. I am a Basic member just trying to move my 401K in and out of the markets to...

Climate Change & the Inability of Rational Thought

COMMENT: Marty; I find it really interesting how people try to pretend you are wrong and claim it is warm where they are or because of some fluke one day high in...

Do Rising or Falling Sea Levels Prove Anything?

QUESTION: The argument that man has caused global warming and that sea levels will rise is evidenced by many places that were on the sea are now inland such as...

Are Climate Activists Displaying Patterns of Violence That Always Undermines Civilization?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I find it interesting how the entire climate crisis people are pushing so hard to seize everything and force zero CO2 which is impossible...

Religious & Climate Change (Part I)

QUESTION: Good morning Mr. Armstrong! Thanks for always opening our eyes! Could you please explain to me what natural phenomenon of cataclysmic proportions could...

The Climate Change – Al Gore & Jennifer Morgan’s Fraud

All of the data that these climate activists have been using is an absolute fraud. It is untrue that 97% of scientists agree to any of this nonsense. They create...

97% Scientists Do Not Agree with Climate Change or the Solution

In 2009, the University of Illinois sent a survey online to about 10,000 scientists with the following two questions: QUESTION #1 Do you agree that global...