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Rogoff’s Global Carbon Tax – Give the Money to China

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What do you think about Harvard Professor Kenneth Rogoff who advocates a global carbon tax and then takes that money and hand it to China...

When You Thought You Hit A Dog

QUESTION: You are wrong as usual. We just had the hottest decade. This is all about fossil fuels. There was never a CO2 problem until fossil fuels. KJ ANSWER: This...

Newfoundland Biggest Snowstorm Even on Record 01/18/2020 on ECM

30-second timelapse of 24 hours of snowfall in Newfoundland, Canada. COMMENT: St. John’s Newfoundland, Canada had experienced the most snowfall in a...

Climate Change & the 2020 ECM Turning Point

The climate change propaganda has become a major economic factor which is undermining the global economy and lowering the standard of living for the average person....

Volcanoes & the Risk During Solar Minimum

COMMENT: Dear Marty, Thank you so much for warning all for what is coming ! Sorry to keep reflecting on details, you wrote :“The real issue is the threat of a VEI...

The Climate Change of the 1840s

QUESTION: OK, you have shown articles from the 1930s and 1970s where they talked about climate change. So are you saying that people have always been talking about...

Is Climate Change Dispute the Same As the Fall of Rome?

Climate Change has become a fanatical religion because there is no proof and it rests entirely on belief. This is taking on the traits of the religious dispute...

Australia Fires – Nature or Global Warming?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, I have been following your blog for a number of years and enjoy your more analyzed perspective on climate change. I am not fully convinced...

Polar Shift – The Undefinable Risk?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am a new reader. I was recommended to look to your site when I was in a climate debate with a friend. They never tell us that the sun has...

Taal Volcano Erupts in Philippines

COMMENT: Dear Martin, You might find this interesting. Today the Taal volcano in Luzon, Philippines, erupted in a violent way sending an ash plume as high as 16 km...