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AOC: Stop Reproducing – Save the World

Stop Reproducing – Save the World Let’s prevent climate change, a naturally occurring cyclical phenomenon, by not having families. The proposition sounds like a...

Global Warming is Undermined by New Discoveries

Nobody wants to listen to the evidence against Global Warming because the government doesn’t hand out money for research that fails to justify new taxes. Real...

Do We Face Global Cooling or an Ice Age?

QUESTION #1: You expect global cooling due to the decrease in solar energy. Why do glaciers melt? MG QUESTION #2: Now that the Greenland Glacier is growing, is this...

Heatwaves Are Serious Only on a Sustained Basis

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I thought you might be interested in some comments on Climate Change. My wife has a dear friend 87 years old who lived (and still does) in...

Spotless Sun

Recently, NASA’s photo of the sun showed ZERO sunspots. The previous and current solar cycle has been declining significantly in solar activity beyond what...

Climate Change Has Not Impacted Polar Bears

There are too many polar bears in parts of Nunavut that it is posing a risk to humans. Climate Change hasn’t yet affected polar bears and reports are to be...

Finland & Japan Confirm Global Warming Data is not Supported

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Being 100% in agreement with you about Climate Change I thought you might be interested in 2 newly released research projects one from Finland...

Democrats Using Climate to Create Fear Votes

Democrat presidential candidate Andrew Yang made a wild claim without any evidence whatsoever that “we’re too late” in addressing climate change....

3,000 People Died in French Heatwave of 2003

Back in 2003, about 3,000 people died in France of a heatwave when high temperatures swept across Europe. It was found that nearly 180 people were dying of the heat...