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Climate Emergency – The New Justification for New Taxes

Cities have begun using the term “climate emergency” to justify new taxation. This was the case in the Guelph City Council in Canada where they declared...

Greenland Glacier is Growing, Not Melting

Greenland glacier reverses stunned scientists, according to the Weather Channel. This is illustrating that everything is subject to a cycle. Many argue it is only...

Climate Change – the Elections Issue

In Australia, the polls said this would be  a climate change election because the voters were confronted by a drought that they were blaming on human causes. Tony...

Germany’s New Green Deal Has Failed – Energiewende

On March 11, 2011, when an earthquake-triggered tsunami damaged the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, Chancellor Merkel and her cabinet held that nuclear...

Global Warming – Just Follow the Money

I just returned from New York City, the armpit of the world since I never saw an apple tree there yet, and I had a very interesting meeting behind the curtain. I...

Al Gore to Hold Australian Climate Change Event to Discourage Australians From Mining Coal

Al Gore is still at it. At the expense to Australian taxpayers of $142,000, Gore will lead a three-day climate change lecture in Queensland. Gore will push his...

Chaos of Weather Record Heat Wave Coming – Fraud of Linear Predictions

This weekend the forecasts are calling for a blistering, dangerous heat wave which is poised to scorch the southeastern U.S. over the Memorial Day weekend. I warned...

Proposal in Europe to Kill Air Traffic Due to Global Warming

QUESTION: Dear Martin, This was my first WEC and it was an overwhelming amount of impressions, contacts, information coming over me. Still struggling to digest it...

The Grapes of Wrath – How to Keep Them Warm

The Winter that Will Not End is impacting even northern Italy. In Tuscany, winemakers have lit hundreds of torches to keep their grapes warm during this cold period...

Failure to Plant Crops

COMMENT: Good day from Chatham, Ontario Canada (50 miles east of Detroit 42.4048° N, 82.1910° W); Interesting your models are warning of the next year’s...