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Save the Planet – Kill All Humans?

COMMENT: I confess. I use to be a Democrat. I can no longer accept this insanity. This new green deal is just stupid. I like how you are unbiased. That is so rare...

Climate Change Conspiracy to End Steel & Plastic Production

QUESTION: Are you aware that the climate change crowd is trying to force companies to expose the fact that whatever they produce is damaging the environment and...

Is this the Coldest Winter in 83 years?

Vancouver, where it rarely snows, has had five snow storms this year. It has even been reported that snow has fallen in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Now that is an...

Toilet Paper Causes Climate Change

  It didn’t take long. They keep looking at every possible aspect to blame for climate change, so now it is toilet paper. The latest study says the...

Professor Easterbrook Testified Before Congress with Real Data Showing Global Warming Ended in 1998

Professor Don Easterbrook, who teaches geology at Western Washington University, testified before Congress that climate change is cyclical. Easterbrook made it...

Al Gore’s Global Warming Deliberate Fraud to Increase Governmental Power

There is a serious question that no one wants to address. How did Al Gore create the global warming scare and earn hundreds of millions of dollars in the process?...

At Last – Solar Minimum Discussions Begin

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; You are the only one with your computer that has correctly forecast the weather years in advance. I understand these are not some...

How to Destroy Civilization by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez push for higher taxes to fund her Green New-Deal is just the tip of the iceberg. If the people who elected her really understood...

Did Aborigines Create Global Warming In Australia? Hello, Coming Ice Age?

By cross-referencing tree-ring data and coral core samples, a team of researchers have revealed that Australia suffered the worst drought in history before the...

UN Admits Paris Accord Will Never Work

The latest on the global warming front is a UN report on the “emissions gap” that admits the Paris Accord would never work. The UN has admitted that the...