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When will Niagara Falls Completely Freeze?

It has been a bitterly cold season. Niagara Falls became a winter wonderland as frigid temperatures cause the falls partially to turn to ice. This is not so rare...

The Clash Between Normal People & The Global Warming Crowd – Green Extremist Overlords

There is an undertone lurking behind the rise of Donald Trump in the US, the Brexiteers in the UK, Marine Le Pen in France, political re-alignments in Denmark, and...

Life Threatening Winter Storms

Parts of Canada could become the coldest spot on the planet with a winter storm approaching. This storm is coming with crazy frigid temperatures and wind chill...

Global Warming is All About PRESSURE

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Isn’t Venus much hotter because its atmosphere is almost 100% CO2? GH ANSWER: No. The atmosphere of Venus is extremely dense. At the...

Europe Inundated by Snow Down to Greece & Harvard Study Shows Oceans Are Getting Colder

This winter is once again extremely brutal in Europe. Exceptionally heavy snow has fallen as far south as Greece in the range of even 3 to 5 feet in various places....

Climate Change & the Blame Game has been going on Since the 1890s

COMMENT: I really get annoyed by people who say well it has been warm here so what happens elsewhere is irrelevant. They are idiots and cannot see the whole and...

Jet Stream Exaggerations

  We have to understand that the Jetstream itself is extremely dynamic. It has been dipping very low and as I reported last winter, it even snowed in...

The Coming Mini Ice Age & Cyclical Movement of the Tropics Belt Itself

We have the most sophisticated and diverse client base than probably any institution covering more than 100 countries. Our business has been constructed upon one...

Death Toll from Cold Doubles & Its Not Over Yet

As the fake academics keep pushing the Global Warming scenarios because that justifies more taxes and they are rewarded with endless grants, I have warned that it...

EU Demand a 37.5% Reduction in CO2 Output from Cars by 2030

The EU has shocked the auto industry and came out based upon this new round of forecasts that humans will be extinct by 2050. Cars must now become considerably...