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Twitter Block’s Website

  The very same day they decided to censor our website I believe at the direction of Salesforce’s Marc Benioff, who is using corporate funds to further his...

Who is Behind What owner Automattic raised $300 million from Salesforce which is in league with the World Economic Forum where they have joined this 4th...

The Decline & Fall of the West

COMMENT: Good morning Mr. Armstrong, We need more pics like Winnipeg Costco out in the news: They might wake up the sleeping herd! I’m writing from Toronto...

Zuckerberg CONFRONTED Over Secret Facebook Surveillance, Censorship Tools

Zuckerberg – I don’t Recall Why BigTech Must Be Broken Up These are Very Dangerous People that Threaten our Very Liberty & Real...

Debt Foregiveness

QUESTION: Will debt forgiveness only be for government entities at all levels or will it include private businesses and private citizens as well?  If it will be...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Plan to Take Down Power Grid

PRIVATE BLOG – The Plan to Take Down Power Grid Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

Postponing Elections – The Plot Thickens

German Elections Postponement Here is the Wissenschaftliche Dienste report and it concludes if there is an epidemic, then they can postpone the elections. What is...

American Are Ignorant of What the Real Plan Is

COMMENT: You are correct. Americans are ignorant of what is taking place in Europe. The new law states everything except work was forbidden: “walking, having...

Defending the Future

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I don’t know it anymore. My FEAR is back which a left behind me years ago. I’m not afraid of dying, I’m more afraid of...