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The Conspiracy Runs Deep

While these people did not pull off what they claimed, nonetheless, it shows the extreme hostility that lies behind the left. We show in 2021 even with a Biden...

Archbishop Vigano warns Trump of Great Reset is to Destroy our Freedom

Archbishop Vigano has sent an open letter to President Trump in which he stated plainly that this is a “global conspiracy against God and humanity.”...

PRIVATE BLOG – Legarde & Schwab – The Agenda

PRIVATE BLOG – Legarde & Schwab – The Agenda Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

The Reality of Gates’ & Schwab’s Plan

  Here is a video of people staving in a food panic in Jos, Nigeria. This is what Big Tech and mainstream media will hide. They cannot be this stupid to impose...

Klaus Schwab says – You will Own Nothing in 10 years

  I am deeply concerned that too many Americans are totally blind to the truth. They think this election is just about Biden v Trump. This is the World...

The Last Debate

Well, this debate was much more professional. The moderator did a much better job and appeared to actually act like a journalist for once, not like the first...

It’s Always a Conspiracy

COMMENT: So, behind the curtain I was told you’re actually in league with Klaus, Mr. Armstrong 😀 I know, how I dare to even ask but Marty, what’s...

The Insanity We Face

COMMENT: In response to the Blog Alert: A 20 Year-Old Tears Apart the PDR Test. There is no COVID-19 virus. There are various [flu] virus illnesses. I...

Social Media Trying to Destroy our Freedom

I was preparing to add a chapter on what is becoming the Greatest Political Manipulation in world history to the Manipulating the World Economy, which would be...