Concern About Influencing Markets
August 3, 2018
QUESTION: Thank you very much for your blog and all the knowledge that you pas on. You are well known in many circles and I would think have great influence in the...
Conspiracy OpinionMagnitsky Affair & the Murder of Edmond Safra in Monaco
August 2, 2018
QUESTION: Dear Mr Amstrong, Following up on the Magnitsky Affair, you might be in a position to answer a question which has always puzzled me : Has Edmond Safra...
Conspiracy Corruption Politics RussiaWhen Will We Be Truthful About Bureaucratic Intervention into Foreign Elections?
July 17, 2018
I really do find it totally beyond belief how even Republicans, such as House Speaker Paul Ryan, are coming out to criticize Trump saying Trump should have blasted...
Conspiracy Corruption PoliticsWho Really is the Deep State?
July 11, 2018
QUESTION: What is your understanding of the term “Deep State”? Do you think there’s a deep state as it is referred to in the media today? I have...
ConspiracyAre Central Bankers Directing the Flow of Money without any Checks or Balances?
July 11, 2018
QUESTION: Do you think that the central bankers influence has triggered a massive shift in the world order? Do you think the IMF and the BIS have gone beyond their...
Capital Flow Central Banks ConspiracyInfluence – Meetings & Conspiracies As Always
May 6, 2018
COMMENT: I saw you in front of the Bank of England. Then within a matter of days, the pound crashes. You may not be a household name but you are in the...
Conspiracy PoundCongress Criticizes Trump’s People for Meeting with Russians
May 3, 2018
The report is out on the claimed Trump collusion with Putin to defeat Hillary. All it did was criticize some members of Trump’s team for meeting with...
Conspiracy Politics Russia The ForecasterIs Goldman Sachs the new Rothschilds?
March 21, 2018
Many in Germany are up-in-arms over the appointed by Chancellor Angela Merkel of Jörg Kukies who will become deputy finance minister in her new coalition...
ConspiracyMueller Expands his Investigation Desperate to Bring Down Trump
February 21, 2018
CNN is ecstatic. Mueller cannot prove any connection between Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and Russia, so now he is turning to investigate if he solicited...
Conspiracy Corruption PoliticsGlobal Warming Conspriacy
February 16, 2018
There is a major Global Warming Conspiracy that is threatening our entire way of life and is out to destroy the global economy. These sick and evil people...
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