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Conspiracy Theories Coming True

COMMENT: Marty, your forecasts have been amazingly correct years in advance and then we get to watch other analysts coming in at the last minute to pretend they...

Fauci The Greatest Liar in Gov’t in History

In my entire career of dealing with governments around the world, NEVER in my 50 years have I EVER encountered such a bureaucrat that is such a blatant liar....

Top 2 FDA People Overseeing Vaccines are Quitting Because They are Being Ignored

There is great concern behind the curtain about the two senior top people in FDA who oversee vaccines are quitting. These are the FDA’s most senior vaccine people...


I continue to believe that this virus was manufactured and deliberately released neither by China nor the US Military and at the same time, we have the Grand...

CDC Approves Internment Camps

The vast amount of people will line up to surrender all their constitutional and human rights and those of the family for decades to come simply on the world of...

Lindell’s Invesitgation   While Lindell has focused on China. he totally ignored the implications of the World Economic Forum and Gates....

The Real Agenda – Part III

  COMMENT: Hello Mr Armstrong, In regards to your comments on “The-Real-Agenda-Reply”, I’d like to make a remark to where you said that...

Are We Facing a Biological War?

  This is the Chinese response to the finger-pointing at China being responsible for the leak of COVID-19. What it brings up can be verified in some aspects....

What is the REAL Agenda with Vaccines & Climate Change

This has all been a coordinated effort for the REAL AGENDA which is not vaccines or even saving the planet from global warming. The true agenda is in front of...

Latest Conspiracy

While Congress has asked the Biden Administration to move the FBI to a new location out of Washington. Their building has been falling apart for more than a decade....