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The Government Unconstitutional Manipulation of News

Perhaps you will recall when Edward Snowden exposed the truth that the government was spying on American citizens, they called him a traitor and wanted to imprison...

Corruption to Keep the Game Going

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I know you are very familiar with Ukraine. A friend of mine believes he met you in Kiev back in 2013. You and Henry Kissinger are the lone...

Our World Leaders are Just So Corrupt

When someone ever writes about this period in a couple of hundred years, they will call it the Age of Corruption. An ex-MEP has labeled the EU as fundamentally...

They Lie Just About Everything

Gary Gensler, the Chairman of the SEC and, of course, a former Goldman Sachs executive, has been exposed to keeping two separate calendars of meetings. This may...

CDC Caught Manipulating Data

And here are the 15 "Adverse Events of Special Interest" the CDC listed as "Prespecified Medical Conditions" in its v-safe protocol but never...

Swiss Doctor Locked Away in Mental Asylum for Speaking Against COVID Laws

Dr. Thomas Binder is a Swiss cardiologist with over 34 years of experience in treating respiratory infections. He received a doctorate in immunology and virology,...

FTX Deep Fake- The Funds are Gone

Over the weekend, a verified account posing as FTX founder SBF posted dozens of copies of this deepfake video offering FTX users "compensation for the...

House Republicans Demand Audit of Ukraine Funding

It is heartbreaking to see these disabled Ukrainian soldiers here in the halls of Congress being used as pawns to pressure our Congress to give American’s hard...

400 Private Jets Arrived for COP27 Climate Change Summit

Rules for thee, but not for me! The elites rushed to Egypt for the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly known as COP27, to discuss how the...

Too Poor to Continue Living with Dignity – Canadian Eugenics

Canada is not hiding its depopulation and eugenics efforts. The Trudeau Administration recently expanded the MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) program to include...