The pro-war People’s Deputies of Ukraine Party are using Western funding to line their pockets. It has been reported that the average paycheck went from 28,800 to...
The Food and Drug Administration does nothing to protect the American public. We have yet another revelation of products intended for infants containing toxic...
People are worried that they will be harassed by the law if they view the disturbing contents of Hunter’s laptop. Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley, also had a...
Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook aided the FBI in manipulating the 2020 Presidential Election. This is huge news that proves the FBI had direct involvement in...
America has pledged to embezzle (donate) another $3 BILLION into Ukraine. The Associated Press claims that this money will be used for equipment and training...
Welcome to the new world. Protestors in China have cleverly found a way to avoid police facial recognition software by pointing an array of lasers at the...
The Internal Revenue Service 2021 report contains a bit more information about who the IRS aims to target – you. These special IRS Criminal Investigation agents...
Desperate times drive people to desperate measures. A Lebanese man made international headlines after holding 10 people hostage in a seven-hour standoff with...