Fauci had a lucrative year in 2020. Despite forcing countless businesses to close and causing the unemployment rate to soar to a historic level, Fauci found a way...
The legal age is 14 in Australia to consent for sex to vaccines, while in the USA 17-year-olds sue for vast amounts of money claiming they didn’t know...
The CDC will finally begin testing ivermectin as a treatment for the coronavirus (fast forward to around the 17:00 mark). Doctors and health professionals have been...
The events that occurred on January 6, 2021, were likely facilitated by the federal government. They successfully drew the public’s eye away from the election...
Project Veritas has come up with documents that show that DARPA rejected the proposed experiments into creating a coronavirus from bats that was proposed by...
People will always find a way to bypass the law. The tyrannical vaccine mandates have paved the way for a new career niche: vaccine jockeys. Those desperate to...
The British Heart Foundation recently released this deranged advertisement showing a young female football (soccer for the Americans) player collapsing on the...