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Confidence in COVID Narrative Wanes

The University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center conducted a survey where it polled 1,656 adults about their views on the leading health...

Pfizer Protest in Paris

Angry Parisians took to the streets to protest outside of the Pfizer building, shouting, “Assassin!” French President Macron plans to seek out his...

Schwab – The Madman of Davos Changing the World

  There is a very serious problem in the social sciences where some academics think they can control the economy following the path first blazed by Karl Marx....

GoFundMe Freezes Over $4 Million in Funds Raised for Canada’s Truckers

Canadian truckers have continually demonstrated their resistance to tyranny with ongoing demonstrations amid freezing temperatures. Over 55,000 people supported...

Using Fear to Gain More Power

  The Press is not reporting all the protests in Europe. Millions of people are now protesting in virtually every city throughout Germany. The number of...

Flashback: Fauci Spreading False Information on AIDS

Here is a flashback of Dr. Anthony Fauci spreading false information about AIDS transmission. Fauci claimed that people could become infected by simply being near...

Hong Kong’s Hamster Genocide

Hong Kong’s “zero COVID” policy has caused schools and playgrounds to close as children learn how to be obedient to authority. The latest COVID measure is...

Medical Freedom Has Been Hijacked

Dr. Mary Bowden was suspended from Houston Methodist Hospital after sharing her views on COVID-19. Bowden is now speaking out and taking legal action against...

Fauci Pocketed Over $1.7 Million in 2020 – The Highest Paid Government Employee

Fauci had a lucrative year in 2020. Despite forcing countless businesses to close and causing the unemployment rate to soar to a historic level, Fauci found a way...

Australian Ad Campaign Telling Kids to Ignore Parents and Get Vaccines

  The legal age is 14 in Australia to consent for sex to vaccines, while in the USA 17-year-olds sue for vast amounts of money claiming they didn’t know...