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FDA Now Warns Rapid COVID Tests Might be Invalid

It is interesting how the propaganda “fact-checkers” who have NO medical background went into panic mode to claim that the CDC did not mean what they...

Brought to You By Pfizer

Big Pharma’s reach is more extensive than most understand. The video above shows some of Pfizer’s many sponsorships, a subtle nod to the billions of...

The International Criminal Court – Fighting For the People (Part 4)

Clade X and Event 201 “In May, 2018, the WEF partnered with Johns Hopkins to simulate a fictitious pandemic  dubbed ‘Clade X’ (Appendix 12)  to see how...

Maxine Waters: Rules for Thee but Not For Me

The above video shows 83-year-old Rep. Maxine Waters (D) calling for forced vaccinations and mandates. The image below shows her on a recent flight, maskless. The...

The Great Unwashed – We The People Are Seen as The Problem

When the people rise up against the tyranny of government, suddenly this is being fueled by populism that must be terminated. It was John Kerry at Davos who was...

The International Criminal Court – Fighting For the People (Part 3)

The complaint filed with the International Criminal Court continues to provide a broad-picture view of the various ways governments have used the coronavirus to...

The International Criminal Court – Fighting For the People (Part 2)

Looking further into the complaint filed with the International Criminal Court, we find additional examples of human rights abuses. PCR Tests Oxford University has...

The International Criminal Court – Fighting For the People (Part I)

A team from the UK has filed a complaint with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on behalf of the people. The report alleges that government...

Facebook Fact Checkers getting Fact Checked

We really have desperate need of independent investigation of both government and Facebook. But the likelihood of an honest investigation is up there with admitting...

Pelosi Fleeing to Florida?

Pelosi appears to be preparing to retire. Pelosi said in response to the infrastructure bill, “I just told members of my leadership that the reconciliation bill...