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Snowden’s Intent

Fauci our Modern-Day Mengele – He Must be Removed

Now the new Dr. Mengele of our time, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who does not actually practice medicine, has announced that the US is still planning for COVID-19 booster...

Gates’ Corruption of Vaccinating the Entire World

From the beginning, Gates said we had to vaccinate the entire world to end COVID. But this is like the flu because it resides in various animals, and it will always...

Fauci The Greatest Liar in Gov’t in History

In my entire career of dealing with governments around the world, NEVER in my 50 years have I EVER encountered such a bureaucrat that is such a blatant liar....

Top 2 FDA People Overseeing Vaccines are Quitting Because They are Being Ignored

There is great concern behind the curtain about the two senior top people in FDA who oversee vaccines are quitting. These are the FDA’s most senior vaccine people...

OSHA Tells Employers Do Not Report Vaccine Injuries

What is coming in from HR departments is that to encourage corporations to force people to get these vaccines, OSHA has refused to follow the law which would...

The Fake News that FDA Approved the Vaccines is Made Clear in the Letter

FDA Letter Final_Pfizer LOA to issue with BLA approval 08.23.21_v2  The FDA did not approve the vaccines but extended the Emergency Use of the vaccines. They are...

FDA Approves Gates’ Vaccine After Accepting Funding from Him

The FDC has given full approval to Gates’s Vaccines because it has been under tremendous political pressure to do so. Even CNBC reported that “Federal...