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Clash within the Rule of Law

The Department of Justice (DOJ) this past week announced it would appeal a federal judge’s order vacating a nationwide freeze on evictions. The...

WHO is Corrupt Beyond Question

  A lot of people are becoming whistleblowers. It is really astounding why people defend these measures, yet at the same time, they chastize capitalism as...

No Life Insurance if Vaccinated for COVID?

  There is talk in Europe that some companies will not even write life insurance if you have been vaccinated for up to one year. In the United States, this...

Why Does the Left Trust Gates but not Billionaires & Corporations?

  To me, it is astonishing that the left, who hates the rich and big corporations, will run around with masks and TRUST everything the vaccine companies and...

We are in Real Trouble

  The number of teenage suicides has skyrocketed. I have spoken to fathers who moved to Florida because their boys were suicidal under lockdowns as their...

Madoff is Dead – The Great NY Cover-UP

Bernie Madoff died on April 14, 2021, at the Federal Medical Center in the federal prison in Butner, North Carolina, of the US Bureau of Prisons. A cause of death...

Woke Culture Going Insane

Ok, the Associated Press Stylebook has joined the woke crowd. They now have said that a “mistress” to a married man can no longer be called a...