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Archegos Capital Management Crisis

The Archegos Capital was founded by the former Tiger Management equity analyst, Bill Hwang. Archegos Capital, the “home office” hedge fund owned by...

Understanding the Persecution of John Law

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong…..this is a surprising (to me) summary, on John Law. Every piece I ever read about him, cast him as a complete scoundrel, yet you...

The Political Theater of Absurdity

Do we have to wonder just how long will the press allow this complete farse to continue? Journalists have no sense of honor, for what they are allowing to take is...

The Fraud in Georgia

The Washington Post has been forced, no doubt begrudgingly, to print a retraction two months after they published a story that made it sound like Trump was trying...

Build Back Better means You Destroy it First

COMMENT: Greetings Marty,   As expected, “Build Back Better” was more than a campaign slogan. Today, the White House released President...

Bill Gates Terrorizing Children?

  This video of the Los Angeles School District being fully on board with total control of children is so dangerous, that it is conditioning the next...

Klaus Schwab Advocates Perpetual Lockdowns?

  Klaus Schwab thinks imprisoning people is a good thing. We really have to purge EVERYONE from a political office that pays any homage whatsoever to Schwab...

Biden orders 56 US Attorneys to Resign or be Fired bceuase they Were Appointed by Trump

Biden has ordered that 56 US Attorneys appointed by Trump must resign by today or be fired simply for being Republicans. This ensures that Hunter Biden will never...