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What is Klaus Schwab Really About?

A lot of people are starting to feel as if Klaus Schwab is the anti-Christ. He is advocating that no one should buy or sell without a digital health certificate,...

Why this Manufactured Crisis?

  COMMENTS ON MASKS: Why, when wearing a mask, your oral health could lead to short term memory loss and eventually dementia. By masking the problem...

Assange Tried to Warn the US About the Files That were Leaked

  What this demonstrates is that the Deep State just does not like Julian Assange and is prosecuting him for something they know he did not do. Welcome to...

Zuckerberg CONFRONTED Over Secret Facebook Surveillance, Censorship Tools

Zuckerberg – I don’t Recall Why BigTech Must Be Broken Up These are Very Dangerous People that Threaten our Very Liberty & Real...

Scotland Total Lockdown

The first round of lockdowns was supposed to stop the virus. It did not. They no longer even pretend these lockdowns are backed by science. They are simply tru=ying...

2 Men Charged with Creating 8,000 Fake Voter Registrations

We are starting to see criminal prosecutions for creating fraudulent votes/registrations. In California, two men were charged with creating 8,000 fake registrations...

The Collapse in Confidence in Government Has Arrived

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I greatly appreciate all the hard work you do helping provide light to this mess all around us.  It would seem trump winning is a...

Defending the Future

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I don’t know it anymore. My FEAR is back which a left behind me years ago. I’m not afraid of dying, I’m more afraid of...