France Demanding to Trace Everything People Do – 21st Century Tyranny
April 24, 2020
Apple has been fighting off governments who are trying to eliminate all privacy by demanding the company provide back doors to allegedly combat terrorism. Now...
Corruption ECM Human RightsWhat Gates & WHO Have Done to Third World Countries is Criminal
April 24, 2020
The press will not report what this lockdown has done worldwide. Third world countries are primarily service-oriented. These people have no savings and no...
Corruption Disease Human RightsTrump v Gates – Is Gates Winning to Overthrow Trump?
April 23, 2020
This COVID-19 has undermined the economy in a way where we will not return back to normalcy. The Washington Post and the New York Times just take the...
Corruption Disease EconomicsAt Last – Gates’ Objective is Revealed – Destroy Economy Relaunch without CO2
April 20, 2020
SKY News Australia has reported the smoking gun. The UN-funded financial arm of the Paris Agreement has labeled the coronavirus an “opportunity” to raise...
Climate Conspiracy CorruptionIs it Time for a Class-Action Lawsuit Against the World Health Organization?
April 20, 2020
I have never seen such absolute rhetoric coming out of any organization that is supposed to be impartial as that from the World Health Organization. All of their...
CorruptionRobert Kennedy Jr & Ron Paul Come Out Against Fauci & Gates
April 11, 2020
Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci MUST be stopped. Robert Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense, has come out with a warning: “Vaccines, for Bill...
Conspiracy Corruption DiseaseThe COVID-19 Fraud – It’s Massive
April 10, 2020
Whenever the government creates a program, they alter the incentives within society. I mentioned I have a friend in London whose mother went to the hospital...
Corruption DiseaseDid Bill Gates Buy the CDC?
April 6, 2020
Dr. Anthony Fauci has a $100 million conflict of interest which is why he was opposing Trump. He is in league with Bill Gates who has pledged $100 million for Fauci...
Corruption DiseasePRIVATE BLOG – The Seriousness We Face
April 2, 2020
PRIVATE BLOG – The Seriousness We Face Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...
Conspiracy Corruption DiseaseUN Wants Global Power to Tax 10% for the Coronavirus
April 2, 2020
Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling this a global coup does not know me very well. I do not buy into conspiracy theories. I rely upon...
Conspiracy Corruption DiseaseBlog Alerts
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